WTDF_LIB market function library

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Windows 32 TDF_LIB - The complete programmers' library.

In response to numerous customer inquires we are porting our popular ultimate market analysis software function library to a 32 bits Windows version. I must confess that I have been working on this in my spare time :-) for quite a while. But most of the DOS version of the TDF_lib has now been ported and is running in actual production on 5 of my boxes in my office. Currently I have 8 real-time applications and 5 end of day application & batch programs using the new 32 bit version of our classic library.

NO - IT'S DONE !!!!!  (finally)

Well - 99.9% done, I just have to finish 2 HTML docs and the web site. If it had not been crazy last week in the markets it would now be finished.


A complete toolkit to provide you with everything you need to help you write your own custom market analysis software. More than 900 functions with more than 41300 lines of full ANSI C source code included. Data access routines (supported databases CSI, CompuTrac, Metastock and ASCII), more than 230 indicator routines, graphics charting routines, plus Fibonacci routines, Julian date routines, string routines, conversion routines, and much much more. Plus the library is supported by full HTML documentation.

As well as supporting most of the DOS version, the new Windows version includes a number of new modules and new functionality. Plus a number of new sample programs. Plus it can also be called from either Visual Basic or from Perl.

For further information please see these manuals -

Programmer's Guide (unfinished Windows 32 version)         Finished DOS version
Function Documentation (Warning this is very detailed and big with more than 65 files & 1000 hyperlinks. If you want to do detailed research on a number of modules or are on a slow dialup link you may want to download the html files and view them locally off your hard disk. They are available in a zip archive on the download page.)

New Modules

True Internet client / server support.
Support for standard Unix TCP/IP protocols for LAN wide application communication at Ethernet speeds, including -
TCP streams for point to point / application to application communication.
UDP datagrams for LAN data broadcasting (one to many listeners).

Real-time parsing and data collection from a DBC Signal data feed.

New window objects and processing procedures -
Scrolling TTY style windows
Price quote windows
File viewing windows
Graphics windows - including HLC & OHLC bars, candlesticks and equivolume charts with overlays. And standalone indicator and histograms. With automatic or user-controlled scaling. All drawing elements are controllable - 16+ million colors and use any TrueType font on your system. Can also be saved to disk as a BMP file.

Support routines for using the serial port under Window32.

Real-time embedded debug messaging from all types of applications via UDP broadcasting.

Supports multi-threaded applications.

Sample Programs

These are not simple 20 line toy applications but useful complete utilities that I use myself in my office. Are they fancy shrink wrapped commercial packages or exactly what you need in your office ? No - of course not. They're what I need :-) but they are also very fine starting points for exactly what you need. To paraphrase someone else's marketing slogan - What do you want to do today?

They also demonstrate the many ways you can use the library. There are examples of 32 bit Windows applications, Windows console applications, old style C main() programs and perl scripts. A couple of these programs also show the quality of the library (and may I humbly say - my design & programming skills) since they were written over 10+ years ago on an old PC running DOS3.1 yet with less than 30-40 lines of changes they are running as 32 bit Windows applications on the most current OS's.

TDF_TTY A real-time serial port data collection client for Signal data feeds (further info and screen shots)
SNAPSHOT A Q & D program to load 1 to 4 charts (and possible indicators) and possibly dump the chart out to disk as a bitmap file (which can be converted to a JPG by cjpeg). This is also a fine example of the G_WIN subsystem.   (further info and screen shots)
WLOGGER A real-time UDP port monitoring client for logging data to a scrolling window. This is also an example for the TTY window routines (further info and screen shots)
BLKBOARD A nice display program featuring a UDP addressable display screen suitable for black-board message display from another app.
CSTM_RPT A program to easily run multiple indicators and systems in parallel against a data set and then generate a custom report for the user. (further info and current market analysis by CSTM_RPT)
QSW_DEMO This is simple demo app for the QS_WIN (Quote Screen Windows) routines.
APP_MON A real-time heartbeat monitoring client for LAN wide monitoring of machines and/or applications (further info and screen shots)
DUMP_CDT A simple app for dumping or converting binary commodity data files (further info and screen shots)
ANAL_CYC A simple cycle study app (further info and screen shots)

Perl Samples

QUOTESCR.PL A real-time displaying quote screen client written in perl that runs off a UDP data feed (further info and screen shots)
ERR_PAGE.PL A real-time perl client for monitoring a UDP port for debug messages and automatically generating web pages of LAN wide error logs (further info and screen shots)

No matter what your level of programming expertise, the TDF_LIB has something for you. New or beginning C programmers will appreciate the demo programs and the extensive online documentation and more experienced people will know how long it would take them to write 41300+ lines of C code and understand the incredible value of the library. So why re-code the wheel and you must ask yourself - "What is your time worth ?". For a limited time all purchasers will also receive a $100.00 (soft dollar) credit for telephone technical support and consulting services to help get you started with the library and a 6-months of free updates.

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Revised on 27 October 2001
© 1998 - 2001 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.