WRT_DT_R module routines - WIN32

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WRT_DT_R.C - WRiTe DaTa Routines

ANSI C routines to support creation, writing & updating of CompuTrac & MetaStock datafiles. Warning though - they do not update the label field in the master record. Also creation & writing of ASCII files is supported.

There are 4 main entry points to this module.

output_cpt_dt_file() is used to write a data series to disk in a
binary Computrac/Metastock format. The resulting data file will
contain only the given data.

output_ascii_dt_file() is used to write a data series to disk in a
ASCII format. The resulting data file will contain only the given data.

append_cpt_dt_file() is used to append a data series to a disk file.
The data file will contain its original data plus the new data.

update_cpt_data_record() is used to update an existing data record
on disk.
update_cpt_data_record() standard call flow -
1. lookup_data_file_num() // lookup your ticker
2. open_date_file_4_update()
3. get_data_record_n() // fetch the target record
4. do your updating on the DATA_REC
5. update_cpt_data_record() // and put it back

Function create_empty_data_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype V 1.4 Added create_empty_data_file() IMPORT void init_data_file_temps( void ) ; IMPORT void local_exit( int exit_code ) ; IMPORT void read_dop_file( char *dop_line ) ; IMPORT void fake_for_missing_dop_file( void ) ; static void empty_cpt_data_file( int data_file_num ) ; static void create_cpt_data_file( int data_file_num ) ; static void create_cpt_dop_file( int data_file_num ) ; static void update_cpt_master_file( CPT_MASTER_REC *mstrec_ptr , int rec_num ) ; static void update_cpt_master_file_cnts( void ) ; static void update_cpt_dt_file_reccnt( void ) ; static void cnvt_DATA_REC_2_cpt_dt_format( DATA_REC *dt_ptr , long cpt_dt_recs[] ) ; static CPT_MASTER_REC *get_cur_cpt_master_rec( void ) ; static CPT_MASTER_REC *get_new_cpt_master_rec( char *ticker , int file_num ) ;

Function output_cpt_dt_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype void output_cpt_dt_file( char *dtbase_path , char *ticker , DATA_REC *data_ptr , int rec_cnt , int field_cnt )
Remarks This is the only routine you need to call to get a data series dumped to disk as a Computrac / Metastock data file. This one call will do it all (assuming you do have a master file in the dtbase_path directory).

Function append_cpt_dt_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype void append_cpt_dt_file( char *ticker , DATA_REC *data , int rec_cnt , int field_cnt )
Remarks Use this routine to append 1 to N new records to a Computrac / Metastock data file contained in the current database directory data_path.

Function update_cpt_data_record
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype void update_cpt_data_record( FILE *data_file , DATA_REC *new_data , int rec_num )
Remarks Update a target Computrac / Metastock data rec on disk with the user's DATA_REC. This routine does not update the record count field in the data file header nor the date fields in the master file so it must only be used to update existing records.

Function empty_cpt_data_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void empty_cpt_data_file( int data_file_num )
Remarks Delete an existing data file and build a new data file with just a file header in it.

Function create_cpt_data_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void create_cpt_data_file( int data_file_num )
Remarks Create a new data file and update the master file to reflect it.

Function create_cpt_dop_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void create_cpt_dop_file( int data_file_num )
Remarks Create a 4, 5, 6 or 7 field (as created by Metastock RT) dop file.

Function update_cpt_master_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void update_cpt_master_file( CPT_MASTER_REC *mstrec_ptr , int rec_num )
Remarks Update the disk master file with this individual master record.

Function update_cpt_master_file_cnts
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void update_cpt_master_file_cnts( void )
Remarks Update the master file data file number counts in the file header.

Function update_cpt_dt_file_reccnt
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void update_cpt_dt_file_reccnt( void )
Remarks Update the data file's record count in the file header.

Function get_cur_cpt_master_rec
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static CPT_MASTER_REC *get_cur_cpt_master_rec( void )
Remarks Get a copy of the master file record that cpt_master_found_idx is pointing at.

Function get_new_cpt_master_rec
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static CPT_MASTER_REC *get_new_cpt_master_rec( char *ticker , int file_num )
Remarks Build a new master file record for this ticker.

Function open_data_file_4_update
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype FILE * open_data_file_4_update( void )
Remarks Open the data file in update mode ( "r+b" ).

Function cnvt_DATA_REC_2_cpt_dt_format
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype static void cnvt_DATA_REC_2_cpt_dt_format( DATA_REC *dt_ptr , long cpt_dt_recs[] )
Remarks Convert the DATA_REC record into a Computrac record ready to store to disk.

Function output_ascii_dt_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype void output_ascii_dt_file( char *out_file_name , DATA_REC *data_ptr , int rec_cnt , int out_7_field )
Remarks Output a DATA_REC series to a ASCII file for passing to another program.

Function calc_output_places
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype int calc_output_places( DATA_REC *data_ptr )
Remarks Calculate a output_places value for a given DATA_REC data series. The calculation is based on the first close in the series.

Function create_empty_data_file
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype void create_empty_data_file( int field_cnt , char *ticker , char *desc )

Function create_empty_cpt_master
Include file WRT_DT_R.H
Prototype int create_empty_cpt_master( LPTSTR master_loc )

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:56:01
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.