TTYWND_R module routines - WIN32

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ttywnd_r.c - TTY WiNDow Routines

Function alloc_ttywin
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype TTYWIN * alloc_ttywin( void )
Remarks Allocate and initialize a ttywin struct.

Function regTTYWinClass
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype ATOM regTTYWinClass( TTYWIN *tw_ptr )
Remarks Register a ttywnd class object with Window32.

Function updateTTYWin
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype void updateTTYWin( TTYWIN *tw_ptr , LPSTR data_str )
Remarks Write the data_str into the circular buffer then tell the WndProc to with a WM_UPDATE msg.

Function loadTTYWin
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype HWND loadTTYWin( TTYWIN *tw_ptr , LPSTR file_to_load , LPSTR window_title , int delete_file )
Remarks Create and load a tty win with text from a file. If delete_flag is set then the file will be deleted on window close (so you can forget about deleting the temp file).

Function localTTYWndProc
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype LONG WINAPI localTTYWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT messg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks This is sample WndProc hook code. This hook should be defined outside of the dll library code in the program main for user supported msgs. It is not required - by default TTYWndProc() is used.

Function TTYWndPaint
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype static void TTYWndPaint( HWND hWnd , HDC hdc )
Remarks This routine is the paint routine for the main TTYWndProc. It handles repaints for both FILE & TTY style windows.

Function TTYWndProc
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype LONG TTYWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT messg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks The main WndProc for the TTYWIN.

Function get_lines_in_file
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype static int get_lines_in_file( TTYWIN *tw_ptr )
Remarks A simple count the lines in the target file routine.

Function get_free_window_slot
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype static int get_free_window_slot( void )

Function find_ttywin_ptr
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype TTYWIN *find_ttywin_ptr( HWND hwnd )

Function set_favorite_ttywin_config
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype void set_favorite_ttywin_config( TTYWIN *tw_ptr )
Remarks Set the passed in TTYWIN ptr to the current module defaults.

Function set_ttywin_defaults
Include file TTYWND_R.H
Prototype void set_ttywin_defaults( int width , int height , int font )
Remarks Set the module defaults for TTYWIN's.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:50
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.