TDF_TTY module routines - WIN32

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tdf_tty.c - TDF TTY program

A useful little utility to snarf a Signal data stream from a serial port, save the quotes and broadcast a data stream out the Ethernet to other clients.

The serial port code comes from a Microsoft SDK sample TTY.C which I have layeried my code on top of. Warning - the SIG_DATA.C module does not claim to handle all of the Signal data stream. I do not have the Signal SDK, this is a simple example which will grab most things (futures, mutual funds, stocks, indexes + market messages & time stamps). If you expand that code or have further info on the data stream, I'd be interested in seeing it.

This program is also a good example of using the udp socket module to broadcast data to other programs on your LAN. It also demos the use of the DeBug Message PORT routines (DBM_PORT.C) for leaving embedded debug code in shipping apps.

Function WinMain
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
Remarks Main program entry point.

Function InitApplication
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR InitApplication( HANDLE hInstance )
Remarks First time initialization stuff.

Function InitInstance
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype HWND NEAR InitInstance( HANDLE hInstance, int nCmdShow )
Remarks Initializes instance specific information.

Function TTYWndProcOld
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype LRESULT FAR PASCAL TTYWndProcOld( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Remarks This is the TTY Window Proc.

Function CreateTTYInfo
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype LRESULT NEAR CreateTTYInfo( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Creates the tty information structure and sets menu option availability. Returns -1 if unsuccessful.

Function DestroyTTYInfo
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR DestroyTTYInfo( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Destroys block associated with TTY window handle.

Function ResetTTYScreen
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR ResetTTYScreen( HWND hWnd, NPTTYINFO npTTYInfo )
Remarks Resets the TTY character information and causes the screen to resize to update the scroll information.

Function PaintTTY
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR PaintTTY( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Paints the rectangle determined by the paint struct of the DC.

Function SizeTTY
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SizeTTY( HWND hWnd, WORD wVertSize, WORD wHorzSize )
Remarks Sizes TTY and sets up scrolling regions.

Function ScrollTTYVert
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR ScrollTTYVert( HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos )
Remarks Scrolls TTY window vertically.

Function ScrollTTYHorz
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR ScrollTTYHorz( HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos )
Remarks Scrolls TTY window horizontally.

Function SetTTYFocus
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SetTTYFocus( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Sets the focus to the TTY window also creates caret.

Function KillTTYFocus
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR KillTTYFocus( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Kills TTY focus and destroys the caret.

Function MoveTTYCursor
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR MoveTTYCursor( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Moves caret to current position.

Function ProcessTTYCharacter
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR ProcessTTYCharacter( HWND hWnd, BYTE bOut )
Remarks This simply writes a character to the port and echos it to the TTY screen if fLocalEcho is set.

Function OpenConnection
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR OpenConnection( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Opens communication port specified in the TTYINFO struct. It also sets the CommState and notifies the window via the fConnected flag in the TTYINFO struct.

Function SetupConnection
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SetupConnection( HWND hWnd )
Remarks This routines sets up the DCB based on settings in the TTY info structure and performs a SetCommState().

Function CloseConnection
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR CloseConnection( HWND hWnd )
Remarks Closes the connection to the port. Resets the connect flag in the TTYINFO struct.

Function ReadCommBlock
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype int NEAR ReadCommBlock( HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpszBlock, int nMaxLength )
Remarks Reads a block from the COM port and stuffs it into the provided buffer.

Function WriteCommBlock
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR WriteCommBlock( HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpByte , DWORD dwBytesToWrite)
Remarks Writes a block of data to the COM port specified in the associated TTY info structure.

Function WriteTTYBlock
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR WriteTTYBlock( HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpBlock, int nLength )
Remarks Writes block to TTY screen. Nothing fancy - just straight TTY.

Function GoModalDialogBoxParam
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype VOID NEAR GoModalDialogBoxParam( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpszTemplate, HWND hWnd, DLGPROC lpDlgProc, LPARAM lParam )
Remarks It is a simple utility function that simply performs the MPI and invokes the dialog box with a DWORD paramter.

Function AboutDlgProc
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL FAR PASCAL AboutDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Remarks A simple dialog box proc to support an "about" box.

Function FillComboBox
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype VOID NEAR FillComboBox( HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hCtrlWnd, int nIDString, DWORD NEAR *npTable, WORD wTableLen, DWORD dwCurrentSetting )
Remarks Fills the given combo box with strings from the resource table starting at nIDString. Associated items are added from given table. The combo box is notified of the current setting.

Function SettingsDlgInit
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SettingsDlgInit( HWND hDlg )
Remarks Puts current settings into dialog box (via CheckRadioButton() etc.)

Function SelectTTYFont
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SelectTTYFont( HWND hDlg )
Remarks Selects the current font for the TTY screen. Uses the Common Dialog ChooseFont() API.

Function SettingsDlgTerm
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL NEAR SettingsDlgTerm( HWND hDlg )
Remarks Puts dialog contents into the TTY info structure.

Function SettingsDlgProc
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype BOOL FAR PASCAL SettingsDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Remarks Dialog Proc for setting all of the user preference settings for the TTY.

Function CommWatchProc
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype DWORD FAR PASCAL CommWatchProc( LPSTR lpData )
Remarks A secondary thread that will watch for COMM events.

Function snarf_the_bytes
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void snarf_the_bytes( LPSTR lpBlock, int nLength )
Remarks Copy the ASCII data, NUKK terminate it then pass it to the store code.

Function init_the_snarf_code
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void init_the_snarf_code( void )
Remarks Clear the signal data collection vars.

Function write_snarfed_data
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void write_snarfed_data( void )
Remarks If the collection tree is dirty flush it to disk.

Function init_1_broadcast_port
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype IP_SOCK *init_1_broadcast_port( int port_num )
Remarks Allocate, initialize, open and return to the caller a UDP broadcast socket for his requested port number.

Function init_broadcast_ports
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void init_broadcast_ports( void )
Remarks Open all the broadcast ports for the application. (4 - raw data echo, data quotes, market messages and time stamps.)

Function free_the_snarf_code
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void free_the_snarf_code( void )
Remarks Be nice and close the sockets before exiting.

Function process_cmd_line_4_arguments
Include file TDF_TTY.H
Prototype void process_cmd_line_4_arguments( void )
Remarks Process the user's command line arguments into a argv array which then is processed by the normal getargs() procedure to store the data into the programs switch flags.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:48
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.