SNAPSHOT module routines - WIN32

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A Q & D program to load 1 to 4 charts (and possible indicators) and possibly dump the chart out to disk as a bitmap file (which can be converted to a JPG by cjpeg). This is also a fine example of the G_WIN subsystem.

From the command line the program can be controlled to produce normal OHLC bar charts or candlesticks or equivolume charts. The program then displays the chart in 6 predefined production screens of various layouts and indicators. If also has a couple of demo screens.

This program can be built 2 ways - as either a standard windows app (with a WinMain() ) or as a console app (with a standarc C main() ). If built as a windows app you can call it from a batch file and draw any number of graphics windows up on the screen (see MRK_VIEW.BAT). The console app style is used to be called from a batch file to dump bitmap files suitable for converting in JPG for use on a web page (the program SS2.EXE is built this way). I build a fresh daily chartbook automatically for my internal web site this way.

TDF_Lib buyers - sorry but this program release is meant only as a demo program of the graphics subsystem so I have AWK-ed out EPSON printer stuff and some proprietary indicators.

Function main
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype int main( int argc , char *argv[] )

Function WinMain
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance , HINSTANCE hPrevInstance , LPSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow )
Remarks Program entry point: expected command line input - SNAPSHOT ticker_str

Function update_library_global_vars
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void update_library_global_vars( void )
Remarks Update the TDF_lib global vars with data from the user's command line.

Function print_usage
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void print_usage( void )
Remarks Print a usage message for SNAPSHOT to the user.

Function process_cmd_line_4_arguments
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void process_cmd_line_4_arguments( void )
Remarks Process the user's command line arguments into a argv array which then is processed by the normal getargs() procedure to store the data into the programs switch flags.

Function control_c_handler
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype BOOL WINAPI control_c_handler( DWORD dwCtrlType )
Remarks A simple control-c handler.

Function calc_cycle_position
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype float calc_cycle_position( int cycle_length , int cur_offset )
Remarks Calculate the current position in a cycle, return x where 1 >= x >= -1 with 1 = top of the cycle & -1 = bottom of the cycle.

Function auto_select_a_scr
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void auto_select_a_scr()
Remarks Draw a specific pre-programmed chart by command line request. Only case 1 currently defined in this demo ( 1 is setup to chart a passed-in ASCII file from a CSTM_RPT log). In my version of this program I use about 10 pre-defined screens which are selected at call time by the calling program for different overlays. You would use this version like this - given a # IND_EXP.TPL - CSTM_RPT export demo template file date # the date will log automatically high log # will output as the second field on each line low log # etc. close log vol log rsi 14 log # this will be exported in the 6th field - open ema 3 rsi_14 log # and this in the open interest field # end IND_EXP.TPL then run CSTM_RPT and request logging of the last 50 records CSTM_RPT IND_EXP.TPL DOW /L50 /onul this will then produce an ASCII file named CSTM_RPT.LOG containing the exported data which can instantly displayed by using - SNAPSHOT /A /s1 CSTM_RPT /A means ASCII file, /s1 - auto_select scr # 1, and CSTM_RPT means that the ASCII ticker to load is CSTM_RPT.

Function set_display_data_rec_ptr
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void set_display_data_rec_ptr( void )
Remarks Update the display data ptr to the user requested number of records to display.

Function set_display_inds_ptr
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype float *set_display_inds_ptr( float *flt_ptr )
Remarks Update an indicator ptr to match the number of user requested records to display.

Function cht_with_bband
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void cht_with_bband( void )
Remarks Draw a full window OHLC bar chart with an overlay of Bollinger bands.

Function cht_with_par
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void cht_with_par( void )
Remarks Draw a full window OHLC bar chart with an overlay of a Wilder's parabolic system and a 1083 channel system.

Function test_cht_sine
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void test_cht_sine( void )
Remarks A demo routine to draw a sine wave as a histogram.

Function register_frame_window_old
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype int register_frame_window_old( void )
Remarks Support routine for the old style frame demo code.

Function register_frame_window
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype int register_frame_window( void )
Remarks Register the frame window class with a hook to our local WndProc.

Function test_cht_2_windows
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void test_cht_2_windows( void )
Remarks Raw demo routine to drop a window into a frame window.

Function WndProc
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype long CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT mesg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks Frame WndProc to support demo mode 98.

Function frameWndProc
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype long CALLBACK frameWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT mesg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks This is the production version of the frame WndProc for supporting build_multi_charts_in_a_frame().

Function store_gwin_size
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void store_gwin_size( GWIN_SIZE *gsize_ptr , double x_min , double x_max , double y_min , double y_max )
Remarks Define the coordinates for a sub-window inside a frame window. The input sizes are percent values from the calculated axis maximums.

Function display_multi_charts
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void display_multi_charts( void )
Remarks This is a demo routine to build many different configurations sub-windows inside a frame window. The examples are 2 windows split horizontally and vertically, 3 horizontals and a quad board.

Function build_multi_charts_in_a_frame
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void build_multi_charts_in_a_frame( GWIN_SIZE *gwin_sizes , LPTSTR frame_title )
Remarks This routine supports building N windows inside a frame window. The number of windows is controlled by the number of records in the gwin_sizes array. The frame window itself is allocated in the global window ptr - ggw_ptr. And the frame windows gets labeled with the passed in frame_title.

Function localGrfxWndProc
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype LONG WINAPI localGrfxWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT mesg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks The local graphics WndProc. This is currently not used - I left it in for debug hooking.

Function display_multi_chart_rwi
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void display_multi_chart_rwi( void )
Remarks This routine produce a combined data and indicator chart. The data chart has both a Bollinger band series and a 1083 channel system overlayed. And the separate indicator window has a 7 - 20 RWI.

Function display_multi_chart_rsi
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void display_multi_chart_rsi( void )
Remarks This routine produce a combined data and indicator chart. The data chart has both a Bollinger band series and a 1083 channel system overlayed. And the separate indicator window has both a standard RSI and a Bollinger %b.

Function cht_with_bband_n_kotd
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void cht_with_bband_n_kotd( void )
Remarks Build a full size chart window with overlayed Bollinger bands and a KOTD indicator.

Function display_multi_chart_quad
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void display_multi_chart_quad( void )
Remarks This routine builds a quad board display. One window is a data chart with a Bollinger band and 1083 overlay. Another window is a MACDH displayed as a histogram. And there is a standard stochastics display. And the last screen has an inverted Williams %R and a RSI.

Function pre_exit_cleanup
Include file SNAPSHOT.H
Prototype void pre_exit_cleanup( void )
Remarks A simple pre_exit cleanup used to free up the G_WIN ptrs and the pens of the grfx_subsystem.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:35
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.