SIG_DATA module routines - WIN32

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sig_data.c - SIGnal DATA collection routines

a hack of the routines from sig_dnld.c to data collect under Windows.

Function chk_if_tokens_same_len
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_if_tokens_same_len( char *close_ptr , char *high_ptr , char *low_ptr , char *open_ptr ) ; int chk_for_null_token( char *target , int err_idx ) ; void chk_for_reload_from_checkpoint( void ) ; void test_hook( void ) ;

Function ld_ascii_data_file
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Remarks //void ld_ascii_data_file( char *file_name , FPTR process_routine , BOOL echo_flag ) ; void set_system_time( int hour , int min , int sec ) ; long get_system_time( void ) ;

Function init_sig_data_vars
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void init_sig_data_vars( void )
Remarks Application start-up so init the Signal data collection subsystem. Allocate the input buffer and set the pointers. Build the initial collection binary tree and init the time event queue. And lastly open the debug & market message log file and send a startup msg out the debug port.

Function output_sig_data
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_sig_data( void )
Remarks Main call to get the signal data flushed to disk.

Function store_input_data
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_input_data( char *inBuff )
Remarks Here is where fresh data from the serial port enters the subsystem. Move the data character by character in the input buffer. If the current character is the NEWLINE then we have a complete quote message. So call store_a_quote_line() to get it added to the tree. And last thing as we are leaving we check the time event queue.

Function output_daily_data
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_daily_data( char *output_file_name )
Remarks Walk the collection tree and output the current values to a disk file named - output_file_name. And set the dirty flag to FALSE.

Function do_special_processing_b4_output
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void do_special_processing_b4_output( DT_REC node )
Remarks This is a hook routine. Check if we need to do any special processing on the given ticker before we output it. Current the routine does 2 things. For TBond data it converts the 1/32's in decimal values. And for user marked secondary indexes like Value Line and S & P it clones the NYSE volume to the node.

Function convert_tbond_quote
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void convert_tbond_quote( DT_REC node )
Remarks For this node (which we know is a TBond quote) convert the price from 1/32 style to decimal.

Function mins_past_midnight_to_HH_MM
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype char *mins_past_midnight_to_HH_MM( int bin_time )
Remarks Convert a minutes past midnight binary time into a "HH:MM" string and return it to the caller.

Function add_time_convert
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void add_time_convert( char *quote_line )
Remarks If the last value of the quote looks like a minutes past midnight value convert it to a user-friendly "HH:MM" string and append it to the quote string.

Function store_current_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_btree_node( DT_REC node )
Remarks This is the main dispatch point to store the current quote string into the found node. Before the store add a time_convert to the quote. Do a switch branch for the correct node type. And maybe also echo the quote string out the data_channel.

Function store_current_node_index
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_index( DT_REC node )
Remarks Validate and maybe store the current index quote into the given node.

Function chk_token_size
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_token_size( char *target1 , char *target2 )
Remarks Compare two price string and if the larger is more than 150 % bigger then the smaller assume one is a bad quote and return TRUE to signal a bad tick. (Also log the error to disk and out the debug port.)

Function chk_if_tokens_same_len
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_if_tokens_same_len( char *close_ptr , char *high_ptr , char *low_ptr , char *open_ptr )
Remarks Check if the quote ptrs are all the same length. If not check the percentage sizes of the data values with chk_token_size() before deciding that this is a bad tick. Return TRUE is bad. (And again log the error to the disk file and out the debug port.)

Function store_current_node_future
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_future( DT_REC node )
Remarks Validate and maybe store the current futures quote into the given node. This code is for TradeStation version 3.5.

Function store_current_node_future
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_future( DT_REC node )
Remarks Validate and maybe store the current futures quote into the given node. This code is for TradeStation version 4.0.

Function store_current_node_stock
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_stock( DT_REC node )
Remarks Validate and maybe store the current stock quote into the given node.

Function store_current_node_m_fund
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_m_fund( DT_REC node )
Remarks Validate and maybe store the current mutual fund quote into the given node.

Function store_current_node_mrk_msg
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_current_node_mrk_msg( DT_REC node )
Remarks Market messages are a little different. The node is just a hook to get us here. If the msg_file is open - write the msg to disk and send the msg out the msg_channel.

Function store_scale_factor
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_scale_factor( DT_REC node , int idx )
Remarks Convert the Signal scale character into floats - scale_factor and places and update the vars in the node.

Function set_type_4_virgin_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void set_type_4_virgin_btree_node( DT_REC node )
Remarks Set the type for the new node from the second token in the quote str.

Function lc_add_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype DT_REC lc_add_btree_node( char *key_str )
Remarks Local add_btree_node(). The only difference from the library routine is the setting of the node type string by set_type_4_virgin_btree_node().

Function lc_add_2_binary_tree
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype DT_REC lc_add_2_binary_tree( DT_REC node , char *key_str )
Remarks Local add_2_binary_tree() - same as the standard routine (except of course the DT_REC structure :-).

Function lc_find_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype DT_REC lc_find_btree_node( DT_REC node , char *key_str )
Remarks Local find_btree_node().

Function lc_find_btree_node_with_chk
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype DT_REC lc_find_btree_node_with_chk( DT_REC node , char *key_str )
Remarks This is a local find_btree_node() with one important difference. If the target node is not in the collection tree, then return a pointer to a empty dummy structure.

Function lc_walk_binary_tree
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void lc_walk_binary_tree( DT_REC node , FPTR process_routine )
Remarks A local walk_binary_tree() .

Function output_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_btree_node( DT_REC node )
Remarks Output a given node to disk. First copy the node to a temporary DT_REC so any special scaling or conversion before output will not effect the collecting node. Then do a switch branch for the different data types.

Function output_btree_node_future
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_btree_node_future( DT_REC node )
Remarks Dump a futures quote to disk honoring the calculated places.

Function output_btree_node_index
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_btree_node_index( DT_REC node )
Remarks Dump a market index quote to disk honoring the calculated places.

Function output_btree_node_stock
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_btree_node_stock( DT_REC node )
Remarks Dump a stock quote to disk honoring the calculated places.

Function output_btree_node_m_fund
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void output_btree_node_m_fund( DT_REC node )
Remarks Dump a mutual fund quote to disk honoring the calculated places.

Function dump_ticker_array
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void dump_ticker_array( void )
Remarks For debugging purposes - dump the collection tree to disk.

Function lc_print_btree_node
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void lc_print_btree_node( DT_REC node )
Remarks Do a debug dump for a given ticker node.

Function compress_daily_data_file
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void compress_daily_data_file( void )
Remarks This is a hook routine to compress the daily output file. For easy parsing when I first write the file I included lots of white space. Then after the file has been stored in my databases I rerun TDY_TTY and eat the white space. (All done automatically via a batch file - you don't expect me to type do you?)

Function compress_a_daily_quote
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void compress_a_daily_quote( char *quote )
Remarks Compress one line.

Function store_a_quote_line
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void store_a_quote_line( char *input_line )
Remarks This is the main routine to actually store the quote string. It will first echo the quote str out the echo_channel. Then it will set the parsing pointers. If this is a time stamp msg - it will be processed and the routine will split. Else if it is long enough it must be a data quote, so check the tree to see if we have seen it already - if not add a new node to the tree. Then call store_current_btree_node() to get the actual store done.

Function set_token_ptrs
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void set_token_ptrs( char *buff )
Remarks Process the input quote string buff by walking the buffer and setting the token ptrs to the beginning of each token string and NULL-ing out each comma character "," to terminate each token str.

Function test_hook
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void test_hook( void )
Remarks This is a test hook for new development testing.

Function init_collection_tree
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void init_collection_tree( void )
Remarks Initialize the collection tree with a few dummy nodes for tree balancing and a few special data nodes.

Function build_special_data
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void build_special_data( void )
Remarks Lookup up a bunch of market tickers and update the special dow data nodes with the combined info. Dow Data file layouts - A date , avol , dvol , nyv , adv B date , adv , tick , trin , decl C date , 1st hr change , 1st hr vol , last hr change , last hr vol D date , 0.0 , 0.0 , Adv - Decl , 0.0 normal date , high , low , close , volume

Function update_clone_nyse_volume
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void update_clone_nyse_volume( void )
Remarks Clone the NYSE volume to a bunch of other market index tickers.

Function update_dt_rec_with_nyse_volume
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void update_dt_rec_with_nyse_volume( char *target )
Remarks Update the given ticker with the NYSE volume.

Function init_time_event_queue
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void init_time_event_queue( void )
Remarks Initialize the time event queue.

Function chk_time_event_queue
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void chk_time_event_queue( void )
Remarks Check if we have a time event firing.

Function chk_4_special_output_format
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void chk_4_special_output_format( DT_REC node )
Remarks Check if we want a special output format for the given ticker. This currently only modifies future tickers.

Function chk_if_numeric_str
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_if_numeric_str( char *ticker )
Remarks A simple check to filter out numbers from being stored as tickers.

Function chk_for_null_token
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_for_null_token( char *target , int err_idx )
Remarks Check if a token ptr that should be pointing to a valid token str is instead pointing to a NULL str (bad tick).

Function chk_if_token_too_long
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype int chk_if_token_too_long( char *target , int len , int err_idx )
Remarks Check if a token str is longer than it should be (bad tick).

Function dump_token_ptrs
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void dump_token_ptrs( void )
Remarks Dump the token ptr array to the debug port.

Function cnvt_to_system_time
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype long cnvt_to_system_time( int hour , int min , int sec )
Remarks Convert the given HH:MM:SS value into seconds past midnight.

Function get_system_time
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype long get_system_time( void )
Remarks Get the current time in seconds past midnight.

Function chk_for_reload_from_checkpoint
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void chk_for_reload_from_checkpoint( void )
Remarks //

Function reload_a_quote
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void reload_a_quote( char *str )
Remarks //

Function eat_trailing_white_space
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void eat_trailing_white_space( char *str )
Remarks Delete trailing white space from a str.

Function cnvt_nl_2_null
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void cnvt_nl_2_null( char *str )
Remarks Replace all embedded newlines in source str with \000 (yielding substrings in the main string).

Function ld_ascii_data_file
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void ld_ascii_data_file( char *file_name , FPTR process_routine , BOOL echo_flag )
Remarks Load a ASCII file and call a process routine for each line of the file. Set echo_flag to TRUE to get a debug dump to scr. If the process routine wants to know where it is it should IMPORT and reference ASCII_line_num. The process routine should expect one parameter, a char *. Lines beginning with a COMMENT_CHAR (currently defined as "#") will not to sent to the process_routine.

Function set_system_time
Include file SIG_DATA.H
Prototype void set_system_time( int hour , int min , int sec )
Remarks A simple set system time (for Windows 95 only.)

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:33
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.