QS_WIN_R module routines - WIN32

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qs_win_r.c - Quote Screen WINdow Routines

This is the quote screen display window subsystem. A QS_WIN allows the display of integers, floats and strings in pre-defined locations. The window is repainted every 200 milliseconds (by default) with new data. The field can be displayed in any of 16,777,216 colors and the filed can be set to "color flash" the field display in a different color for a set period of time. At the end of the flash period the field will be automatically be repaint in the default color.

From a high level view a QS_WIN is constructed by these data structures. A single QS_WIN struct controls the window construction information like client sizes, data cnts, titles and WIN32 objects like brushes, dc's, window handles and bitmaps. It then has 1 to N number of SDAs (Screen Display Atoms) records attached to it take provide the actual text field data to be displayed. The SDA is built from a QI structure defined by macros in qs_win_r.h. There is also a SDIL (Screen Display Interface List) which is user by the client program to update all fields for a given variable in the QS_WIN with the new var value.

Function alloc_QS_WIN
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype QS_WIN * alloc_QS_WIN( void )
Remarks Allocate and initialize a QS_WIN struct.

Function regQSWINClass
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype ATOM regQSWINClass( QS_WIN *qs_ptr )
Remarks Register a QS_WIN class object with Window32.

Function QSWndProc
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype LONG QSWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT messg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks The main WndProc for the QS_WIN.

Function get_format_str
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype char * get_format_str( int format_type )
Remarks Convert the stored format type in a format string suitable for use by a printf routine.

Function float_to_sda_buff
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void float_to_sda_buff( SDA *a_ptr , float new_val )
Remarks Write a float value to a SDA (screen display atom) output buffer.

Function int_to_sda_buff
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void int_to_sda_buff( SDA *a_ptr , int new_val )
Remarks Write a integer value to a SDA output buffer.

Function str_to_sda_buff
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void str_to_sda_buff( SDA *a_ptr , char *new_val )
Remarks Copy a string value to a SDA output buffer.

Function str_to_sda_buff_with_pad
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void str_to_sda_buff_with_pad( SDA *a_ptr , char *new_val )
Remarks Write a string value to a SDA output buffer and pad it to size.

Function insert_sda_item
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void insert_sda_item( QSD *q_ptr , SDA *a_ptr )
Remarks Insert a SDA object into the list hanging off of the QSD (quote screen display).

Function build_quote_scr
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype QSD * build_quote_scr( QI *scr_proto , int item_cnt , SDIL *interface_list_ptr )
Remarks Allocate and initialize a QSD object. Then process a quote screen prototype structure in a SDA list. And also hook up the new SDA's to the SDIL (screen display interface list) so changes to the vars can be reflected back to the screen.

Function paint_quote_scr
Include file QS_WIN_R.H
Prototype void paint_quote_scr( QS_WIN *w_ptr )
Remarks Walk the list of SDA's hooked to the window and check the refresh flag. If we need a refresh for a given SDA - write its sda_buff to the window via a TextOut.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:25
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.