G_WIN_R module routines - WIN32

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g_win_r.c - Graphics WINdow Routines

This is the graphics windows subsystem. It supports plotting of a DATA_REC data series as either HLC or OHLC bar charts with volume bars and overlayed open interest plots. Or you can display candlestick or equivolume charts. You can also overlay indicator plots on the data chart. You also have complete control in plotting indicator charts. You can plot histograms. Scaling is automatic or you can set it manually. You can overlay as many items on a chart as you wish. You have complete control over all plotting pens - they can be any of 16,777,216 colors, any width or plotting style. You also build multi-chart windows with as many G_WIN inside a frame window as you want. You can also use any TrueType font installed on your system. You can also save any window to disk as a BMP file.

From a high level view a G_WIN is constructed by these data structures. A single G_WIN struct controls the window construction information like client sizes, data cnts, titles and WIN32 objects like brushes, dc's, window handles and bitmaps. It then has 1 to N number of GDDS (Graphics Display Data Series) records attached to it take provide the actual data to be graphed and control the actual style of display.

Function init_grfx_subsystem
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void init_grfx_subsystem( void )
Remarks Allocate all the pens and the background brush for the grfx_subsystem.

Function free_grfx_subsystem
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void free_grfx_subsystem( void )
Remarks Do a DeleteObject() on all the pens of the subsystem.

Function alloc_G_WIN
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype G_WIN * alloc_G_WIN( void )
Remarks Allocate and initialize a G_WIN struct. This routine will also call init_grfx_subsystem to create the plotting pens.

Function regGWINClass
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype ATOM regGWINClass( G_WIN *gw_ptr )
Remarks Register the G_WIN class with WIN32.

Function GrfxWndProc
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype GrfxWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT mesg , UINT wParam , LONG lParam )
Remarks This is the main WndProc for the graphics subsystem.

Function create_g_window
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype HWND create_g_window( G_WIN *gw_ptr , LPSTR window_title )
Remarks Take the user initialized G_WIN ptr and create an actual window.

Function free_g_window
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void free_g_window( G_WIN *gw_ptr )
Remarks Free the memory of a G_WIN and all of its GDDS data items.

Function clear_g_window
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void clear_g_window( G_WIN *gw_ptr )
Remarks Use the background brush to clear a G_WIN.

Function set_favorite_g_win_config
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_favorite_g_win_config( G_WIN *gw_ptr )
Remarks Set the passed in G_WIN ptr to the current module defaults.

Function set_g_win_defaults
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_g_win_defaults( int width , int height , int font )
Remarks Set the module defaults for G_WINs.

Function set_pen_defaults
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_pen_defaults( int pen_idx , int pen_style , int pen_width , COLORREF pen_color )
Remarks Use this routine to modify the module defaults for the plotting pen array. This routine must be called before init_grfx_subsystem() is called to create the pens. The pen_idx is a enum value of type DF_PEN (defined in G_WIN_R.H). The argument pen_style can be any valid windows PS constant and the pen_color can be any RGB() value.

Function create_gdds_data_rec
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype GDDS * create_gdds_data_rec( int max_nodes , int node_cnt , DATA_REC *data )
Remarks Allocate, initialize and return a new GDDS record for a DATA_REC data series. The resulting GDDS record will cache its own copy of the data series of max_nodes size. The data series will also be scanned and the max_dt_val & min_dt_val set.

Function insert_gdds_item
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void insert_gdds_item( G_WIN *gw_ptr , GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Walk the list of GDDS records attached to a G_WIN ptr and hook the passed in gdds_ptr to the end. And of course update the ptrs in the gw_ptr. Also copy the gw_ptr->cht_flags into the gdds_ptr->cht_flags if this is the first GDDS record in the chain since the fist record controls scaling and display style.

Function free_gdds_rec
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void free_gdds_rec( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Free the target GDDS record and any data series attached to it.

Function create_gdds_ind
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype GDDS * create_gdds_ind( int max_nodes , int node_cnt , float *data , HPEN draw_pen )
Remarks Allocate, initialize and return a new GDDS record for a indicator data series. The resulting GDDS record will cache its own copy of the data series of max_nodes size. The data series will also be scanned and the max_dt_val & min_dt_val set.

Function create_gdds_horz_line
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype GDDS * create_gdds_horz_line( float y_value , HPEN line_color )
Remarks Allocate, initialize and return a new GDDS record for a horizontal line at location - y_value draw with a pen color of - line_color.

Function attach_data_rec_series
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void attach_data_rec_series( GDDS *gdds_ind_ptr , int max_nodes , int node_cnt , DATA_REC *data )
Remarks Clone a DATA_REC data series and attached it to a given indicator data series so that the date field in the DATA_REC can be used to label the x-axis.

Function render_gdds_chain
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void render_gdds_chain( G_WIN *gw_ptr )
Remarks This routine controls the rendering of all the attached GDDS records for a given G_WIN. It also creates and destroys any user custom fonts and hits the InvalidateRect() to cause Windows to generate a WM_PAINT msg so the WndProc can copy the virtual bitmap to the users screen.

Function render_gdds_data_rec
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void render_gdds_data_rec( G_WIN *gw_ptr , GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks This is the main drawing routine for the GDDS record of a DATA_REC data series. This routine will set the plotting for the various chart types (like HLC bar vers OHLC, candlestick, equivolume, overlays of volume and open interest) by checking the cht_flags var and the DATA_REC open, volume, and open interest fields. It will also calculate the scaling factors if the user has not set the manual scaling vars. And of course last but not least - it will then draw the chart.

Function render_gdds_ind
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void render_gdds_ind( G_WIN *gw_ptr , GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks This is the main drawing routine for the GDDS record of a indicator data series. Plotting a float series is a little simpler - the only plot options are line or histogram. If the GDDS record is the first in the chain - it will control the window scaling else it is just overlayed on to the chart. This routine will also label the x-axis with the date if a DATA_REC data series has been provided. G_WIN *lc_gw_ptr ; lc_gw_ptr = ( G_WIN * ) gdds_ptr->gw_ptr ;

Function render_gdds_horz_line
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void render_gdds_horz_line( G_WIN *gw_ptr , GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Rendering this GDDS object is pretty simple - just draw_y_line.

Function update_gdds_client_area
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void update_gdds_client_area( G_WIN *gw_ptr , GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Update the plotting area size vars in the GDDS record by checking the actual sizes in the G_WIN ptr (which automatically gets updated in the WndProc by WM_SIZE msgs).

Function check_gdds_data_range
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void check_gdds_data_range( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Make sure we have a useable range of y data. If the data range is less than 1% - increase the actual min and max values by 5%.

Function calc_dt_range
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void calc_dt_range( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Calculate the data range then calc the scaling increment and plot scaling factor.

Function set_high_lows
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_high_lows( GDDS *gdds_ptr , float *high_ptr , float *low_ptr , int loop_cnt )
Remarks Find the highest_high and the lowest_low in the data series and store them back into the caller's memory.

Function calc_range
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void calc_range( GDDS *gdds_ptr , int interval_index , int loop_cnt )
Remarks Find the best fit scale interval for the data series. This routine will call itself recursively with loop_cnt in control of when to bail out.

Function set_plot_range
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_plot_range( GDDS *gdds_ptr , float min_range , float max_range )
Remarks Use this routine to force a chart to be plotted and scaled to your specified min and max range values. This routine must be called before the call to render_gdds_chain().

Function round_as_int
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype float round_as_int( float float_data , float interval , int fudge_factor )
Remarks Convert a float to an integer, round it, then convert it back to a float and return it.

Function calc_dt_n_axis_scale_factors
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype int calc_dt_n_axis_scale_factors( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Calculate the data range, plot scale factors and axis move increments. Return TRUE if ok to plot else FALSE if not.

Function build_axis_incs
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void build_axis_incs( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Calculate the axis plot increments based on number of data points and number of scaling rows.

Function set_x_inc
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_x_inc( int x_start , int x_stop , int num_of_cols )
Remarks Calculate the x axis increment per data point.

Function set_y_inc
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void set_y_inc( int y_start , int y_stop , int num_of_rows )
Remarks Calculate the y axis increment per scale row.

Function get_y_plot
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype int get_y_plot( GDDS *gdds_ptr , float y_float )
Remarks Return the calculated y plot location for the given data value.

Function draw_empty_chart
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void draw_empty_chart( GDDS *gdds_ptr )
Remarks Draw a virgin chart.

Function GRX_grid
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void GRX_grid( GDDS *gdds_ptr , int x_start , int y_start , int x_stop , int y_stop , int num_of_cols , int num_of_rows , int box_the_grid )
Remarks Multi-function grid and box draw routine. This routine is front-ended by the following macros in G_WIN_R.H for various sub-functions, grid ( draws a grid, boxed grid ( draw a grid and boxes it ), horz_dsh_lns ( draws a series of horizontal dashed lines bounded by the x/y coordinates ) and vert_dsh_lns ( same as the last except vertical ). The x/y coordinates are for the upper left corner ( x_start , y_start ) and the lower right corner ( x_stop , y_stop ) of the desired area.

Function GRX_box
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void GRX_box( GDDS *gdds_ptr , int x_start , int y_start , int x_stop , int y_stop )
Remarks A simple draw a box around from upper left corner ( x_start , y_start ) to the lower right corner ( x_stop , y_stop ) of the desired area.

Function line
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void line( GDDS *gdds_ptr , int x_start , int y_start , int x_stop , int y_stop )
Remarks The function that the WIN32 api is missing :-) A simple MoveToEx( x_start , y_start ) and draw a LineTo( x_stop , y_stop ) in a single call.

Function tick_x_axis
Include file G_WIN_R.H
Prototype void tick_x_axis( GDDS *gdds_ptr , int x_start , int y_loc , int tick_dir , int nolast_tick , int tick_length , int tick_interval )
Remarks Draw a series of x axis tick marks.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:55:00
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.