AMVAVG_R module routines - WIN32

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AMVAVG_R.C - Adaptive MoVing AVeraGe Routines

ANSI C adaptive moving average routines based on Perry Kaufman's 03/93 Futures article.

Function new_ama_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype AMA * new_ama_struct( int ma_length )
Remarks Allocate, initialize and return a virgin adaptive moving average structure.

Function reset_ama_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype void reset_ama_struct( AMA *ama_ptr )
Remarks Reset a AMA data structure for a new data series.

Function update_ama_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype void update_ama_struct( AMA *ama_ptr , float new_data )
Remarks Update the caller's AMA with the new data. Once we have collected enough data to calc the AMA, ama_ptr->enough_data will be set to TRUE and ama_ptr->ama can be used.

Function free_ama_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype void free_ama_struct( AMA *ama_ptr )
Remarks Return the AMA and its sub-structure memory to the system.

Function new_ama_ind_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype AMA_IND * new_ama_ind_struct( int data_cnt )
Remarks Allocate, and return a virgin adaptive moving average indicator display structure for data_cnt items.

Function free_ama_ind_struct
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype void free_ama_ind_struct( AMA_IND *ama_ptr )
Remarks Return the AMA indicator display structure and its sub-structure memory to the system.

Function calc_ama_ind
Include file AMVAVG_R.H
Prototype void calc_ama_ind( DATA_REC *data_ptr , int data_cnt , int which_field , AMA_IND *inds , int ma_length )
Remarks Calculate a set adaptive moving average indicators for the requested field of the DATA_REC data series. The indicators will be built in the caller's AMA_IND indicator display structure inds.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 22 September 1998 - 12:54:25
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.