LMACROS module routines

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Some macros to make assembler coding easy.

macro declaration procdef macro pname,args ; ; Externally visible procedure with arguments definition

macro declaration entrdef macro pname, args ; ; Externally visible entry point with arguments definition

macro declaration internal macro pname

; Internal near procedure entry definition

macro declaration intrdef macro pname ; ; Internal jump label definition

macro declaration pret macro ; ; Procedure Return ; To be used on returning from externally visible procedures with/without ; Arguments or from internal procedures with no arguments ; Will restore bp if needed and any save_regs macro saved registers

macro declaration pend macro pname ; ; Procedure end

macro declaration ipend macro pname ; ; Internal procedure end

macro declaration decll macro list ; ; This macro will process the argument list on a procedure call

macro declaration decl macro aname, type ; This macro equates 'aname' to an argument on the stack and defines ; the referencing offset. This is the AZTEC version.

macro declaration arg_offset macro sym_name , dt_size , cur_arg ; Since MASM (and TASM) don't expand a EQU symbol inside another ; EQU define we need to play games with another macro so we can force ; the expansion. This behavior appears to have been a "fix" that was added ; in MASM 5.0, the docs refer to prior versions doing an numeric expansion ; in text strings. If this is true MASM 4.? and lower should work fine with ; the Aztec version of this macro.

macro declaration decl macro aname, type ; This macro equates 'aname' to an argument on the stack and defines ; the referencing offset. This is the MASM | TASM version and uses ; arg_offset to do its work.

macro declaration ldptr macro dest, argname, seg ; ; This macro loads an arg pointer into DEST, with optional SEGment

macro declaration retptrm macro src,seg ; ; Return a pointer

macro declaration retptrr macro src,seg

; Return a data item

macro declaration retnull macro

; Return NULL

macro declaration pushds macro

; Save ds if long_ptr

macro declaration popds macro

; Restore ds if long_ptr

macro declaration finish macro

; Simple end codeseg

macro declaration save_regs macro args

; Autosave registers in a procedure

macro declaration save_a_reg macro a_reg ; ; Worker macro for save_regs, save one register and also error check ; for illegal saves and out of order register lists.

macro declaration auto_restore_regs macro

; Autorestore registers while exiting a procedure

macro declaration ASCIIZ macro var,raw_str

; Make a ASCIIZ string (C style - NULL terminated)

macro declaration CLABEL macro var , size

; Generate a public C label for an assembler variable

macro declaration CPUBLIC macro var , size , initial_value

; Allocate a public C variable

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generated on 08 February 1998 - 14:43:55
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.