CSTM2RPT module routines

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A program to easily run multiple indicators and systems in parallel against a data set and then generate a custom report for the user.

Function set_token_ptrs
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_token_ptrs( char *input_line )
Remarks This is the first major routine used to parse the user's template line into something meaningful. This routine will init all line parse vars and tokens[] array. It will then break the input_line into white-space delimited NULL terminated token strings (this means input_line is changed). At exit the the array token_cnt is set and the tokens[].str sections look like a AWK $1 , $2 .. $N token array (this means tokens[ 0 ].str contains the first token on the line, etc.).

Function set_token_flags
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_token_flags( void )
Remarks Now that the tokens[] array is built, we'll try is see if we can recognize any of the tokens as special flag verbs. If we do - hit the appropriate special flag and mark the token as used.

Function special_token_saves
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void special_token_saves( void )
Remarks Now handle the parentheses and equal sign assignments (and mark as used). Also update the cur_prc_rec->spec_output_flag if necessary.

Function get_first_int_arg
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype int get_first_int_arg( void )
Remarks Return the first token string after the primary verb that begins with a digit and don't worry if it has been used yet. Return 0 if none found.

Function get_first_unused_int_arg
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype int get_first_unused_int_arg( void )
Remarks Return the first token string after the primary verb that begins with a digit and this time check that it hasn't been used yet. Mark it as now having been used. Return 0 if none found.

Function get_first_unused_arg
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_first_unused_arg( void )
Remarks Get the first unused argument of any type. If we are parsing a math operation then we start with the first token str else we skip the primary verb token and begin searching at the next token. Return NULL if none found.

Function get_first_unused_arg_n_mark_used
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_first_unused_arg_n_mark_used( void )
Remarks Get the first unused argument of any type. If we are parsing a math operation then we start with the first token str else we skip the primary verb token and begin searching at the next token. This time mark the found one as used. Return NULL if none found.

Function get_label_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_label_str( void )
Remarks Try a number of sources to generate a label str for the cur_prc_rec. First check if the user gave us one, if so, return a clone of it. Then check if the cur_prc_rec is something other than a file constant. If it is and the cur_prc_rec->spec_proc_flag does not have the NO_SIZE bit set then build a label str consisting df_label[ verb_idx] plus the size value the user gave us. Else just return the df_label[ verb_idx ].

Function get_unused_label_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_unused_label_str( void )
Remarks Scan the tokens and return the first unused label_str (and mark it as used) or return NULL.

Function get_label_str_secondary
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_label_str_secondary( int src_idx , int size )
Remarks Return a copy of the secondary data source's label str. If size != 0 append it to the label str too.

Function make_secondary_label_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void make_secondary_label_str( char *buffer , char *df_msg )
Remarks Check if we have an available user supplied label str and either copy it (if found) else the df_msg into the caller's buffer.

Function set_data_source_n_labels
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_data_source_n_labels( int size )
Remarks Set the data_source and label_str for the cur_prc_rec. Also hook the label_str to the right slot in the ref_strs[ output_cnt ].

Function chk_4_label_update_with_defaults
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void chk_4_label_update_with_defaults( int size , char *use_this_label )
Remarks If the user didn't give us a size on an indicator that has defaults, we need to update the label_str with the indicator's default size. Also hook the label_str to the right slot in the ref_strs[ output_cnt ].

Function bld_ind_label_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void bld_ind_label_str( char *base_str , int df_length )
Remarks Build a indicator label str and hook it up to the ref_strs[ output_cnt ] array.

Function get_format_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype char *get_format_str( void )
Remarks Return either the user provided format str else the df_formats[ verb_idx ].

Function report_unused_tokens
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void report_unused_tokens( void )
Remarks OK everything is parsed, check if we've got anything marked as still unused. If so, tell the user.

Function set_output_formats
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_output_formats( void )
Remarks Set the default price data output format str (depending on output_places).

Function clone_cur_prc_rec
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void clone_cur_prc_rec( char *label_str , int no_out_flag , int no_tsig_flag )
Remarks Clone a copy of the cur_prc_rec, update the ref_strs[ output_cnt ] array. At exit the cur_prc_rec will point to the new PRC_REC.

Function inc_cur_prc_rec
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void inc_cur_prc_rec( void )
Remarks Since prc_master->prc_rec[] is an array of ptrs a simple cur_prc_rec++ won't work.

Function dec_cur_prc_rec
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void dec_cur_prc_rec( void )
Remarks ditto

Function dump_ticker_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void dump_ticker_str( char *ticker )
Remarks Dump the ticker str to the report and to the user so he sees that something is happening.

Function rpt_template_error
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void rpt_template_error( char *msg )
Remarks Report that a error occured in parsing a template line.

Function ln_to_upper_except_in_dquotes
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void ln_to_upper_except_in_dquotes( char *str )
Remarks Convert all lower case characters in a str to upper case except the characters in between double quotes. exp - this is a "test" becomes THIS IS A "test"

Function eat_commas_except_in_dquotes
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void eat_commas_except_in_dquotes( char *str )
Remarks Change all commas found in a str to spaces except the ones inside of double quotes.

Function eat_white_space_in_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void eat_white_space_in_str( char *src , char *dest ) // do the tighten-up
Remarks Delete all white_space from a str.

Function is_this_a_number_str
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype int is_this_a_number_str( char *target )
Remarks Return TRUE is the target str is a number else FALSE.

Function strncpy_n_blank_pad
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void strncpy_n_blank_pad( char *dest , char *src , int len )
Remarks Do a strncpy then space pad to the caller's request length.

Function rpt_memory_left_if_debug_flag
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void rpt_memory_left_if_debug_flag( void )
Remarks If the debug_flag == TRUE then report currently available near memory.

Function dump_prc_master_if_debug_flag
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void dump_prc_master_if_debug_flag( void )
Remarks If the debug_flag == TRUE then dump all the allocated process_records.

Function output_cur_prc_rec
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void output_cur_prc_rec( void )
Remarks Dump a debug look at the process_record pointed at by cur_prc_rec.

Function dump_ref_str_if_debug_flag
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void dump_ref_str_if_debug_flag( void )
Remarks If debug_flag == TRUE dump the whole ref_strs[] array.

Function clear_the_prc_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void clear_the_prc_array( void )
Remarks Init all the process_records in the prc_master struct and call their individual init_routines (if they have one).

Function chk_4_post_proc_requests
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void chk_4_post_proc_requests( void )
Remarks Check for any post DATA_REC processing special requests.

Function save_trade_signal_value
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void save_trade_signal_value( int idx , int store_value )
Remarks Update the out_ptr->signal_state[ idx ] with the requested new store_value and handle forward_time processing.

Function save_output_value
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void save_output_value( float store_value )
Remarks Update the out_ptr->data[ cur_prc_rec->output_idx ] with the requested new store_value. Also handle user log requests and forward_time processing.

Function output_str_2_log_file
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void output_str_2_log_file( char *str )
Remarks Hook to here to allow support for user requested last N records.

Function get_data_value
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype float get_data_value( void )
Remarks Fetch the current value for the defined data_source for the cur_prc_rec. This could be either a file constant or a previously calculated process record. The GLOBAL var last_data_value is also set.

Function general_data_store
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void general_data_store( void )
Remarks A generalized data store for all the file constants.

Function cnvt_tbond_vars_if_necessary
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void cnvt_tbond_vars_if_necessary( void )
Remarks If bond_decimal == TRUE, find all process_records with their PRICE_DATA bit set in spec_proc_flag and convert their output values back to T-Bond 1/32s format.

Function init_out_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void init_out_array( void )
Remarks Init out_array to a double linked circular queue.

Function clear_the_out_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void clear_the_out_array( void )
Remarks Clear all the out_ptr's data and signal_state buckets for all the process records.

Function output_the_out_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void output_the_out_array( void )
Remarks OK the processing is all done so dump the out_array to output_device and give the user his report.

Function compare_dates
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype static int compare_dates( float date1 , float date2 )
Remarks A simple compare function that returns values like strcmp, 0 = match, -1 = date1 date2.

Function find_rec_by_date
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype int find_rec_by_date( float target_date )
Remarks Given a already open data file, search forward with retrys for a target date. Calls find_rec_by_date2 for each attempt.

Function find_rec_by_date2
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype static int find_rec_by_date2( float target_date )
Remarks This routine will search a file for a target_date.

Function test_find_rec_by_date
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype int test_find_rec_by_date( void )

Function clone_2_far_n_free
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype DATA_REC far *clone_2_far_n_free( DATA_REC *src )
Remarks Clone a near memory loaded DATA_REC array to far memory and free up the near heap memory.

Function load_secondary_data
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void load_secondary_data( void )
Remarks Load any user requested secondary data files into far memory DATA_REC arrays for the whole program run.

Function init_secondary_data_ptrs
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void init_secondary_data_ptrs( void )
Remarks Set the cur_sd?_rec and last_sd?_rec ptrs to the beginning of the secondary data DATA_REC arrays.

Function increment_secondary_data_ptrs
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void increment_secondary_data_ptrs( void )
Remarks Advanced the secondary data DATA_REC array ptrs.

Function init_forward_data
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void init_forward_data( void )
Remarks Simulate new data by setting the current data record ptrs back with their last_dt_rec ptrs.

Function set_ptrs_2_next_day
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_ptrs_2_next_day( void )
Remarks Calculate the next trading forward into time and update the DATA_REC current data record ptr dates.

Function set_file_rec_numbers
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void set_file_rec_numbers( void )
Remarks Calculate where to start reading the file based on num_of_days_to_output, days_needed and maybe start_date & last_date info. Will set num_of_recs_2_read.

Function load_the_data_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype DATA_REC *load_the_data_array( char *ticker )
Remarks Allocate, load and return a near memory DATA_REC array with num_of_recs_2_read data records.

Function cnvt_bond_data_into_decimal
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void cnvt_bond_data_into_decimal( void )
Remarks Convert the open,high,low and close fields of the main DATA_REC array from T-Bond 1/32's into T-Bond decimal if necessary.

Function process_the_data_array
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype void process_the_data_array( void )
Remarks Run the process_records against the data arrays.

Function calc_next_trading_date
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype float calc_next_trading_date( float last_rec_date )
Remarks Convert a given date to the next market day.

Function roll_2_tomorrow
Include file CSTM2RPT.H
Prototype UINT roll_2_tomorrow( UINT last_rec_julian )
Remarks A simple (and stupid) advance to the next market day, holiday checking is not done.

Table of Contents Function Index

generated on 08 February 1998 - 14:44:04
© 1998 Tierra del Fuego Ltd.